Saturday, 9 June 2018

Humax FVP-4000T remote control app


I've owned a Humax FVP-4000T Freeview unit for a while and overall it performs well and has plenty of useful features (
It is connected to my home network and therefore the Internet. One small disappointment is the quality of the Infra-Red remote control handset, with some of the buttons occasionally being unresponsive or inconsistent in operation. I also own an old HUDL tablet and I installed the Humax remote control application for Android. This app has most of the controls necessary to operate the FVP-4000T, but the screen display isn't optimised for the HUDL, so this can be slightly frustrating to use. As the control from the HUDL to the FVP-4000T is via my wireless and wired network, the control is easier and more reliable than the infra red unit, so it's frequently in use.

I began to wonder whether an app might be available for Microsoft Windows so I could control the FVP-4000T from my laptop (running Win 8.1), but my initial searches proved fruitless.

One resource I found proved useful in that some control codes had been identified that the Humax Android app uses to control Humax boxes. This can be found at:

This got me thinking about whether I could produce my own app using the Python programming language. I've only been using Python for a couple of years on and off, so do not consider myself at all proficient. There may be some poor aspects of the programming in my script that I developed, or there may be a better way of doing some of the elements, but I got an application working how I expected it to work. I've learned a lot on the way, and I extend my thanks to anyone who has posted Python code snippets or asked questions or given answers on-line.

There were a number of things I needed to investigate as part of this project.

1. Find out which network address, protocols and port the Humax FVP-4000T 'listens' for control codes.
2. What the Humax app that runs on the HUDL sends and the format of the information used.
3. Create a 'window' based Python application - to run as a standalone executable on Windows.

For this write up I have assumed the reader understands many basic concepts relating to network protocols and the Python programming language. There are many good resources on the Internet which should help with understanding these topics.

Network address, protocols and ports
Initially I set a fixed IP address on the Humax FVP-4000T box so that any network investigations would be easier; the last thing I wanted was to 'chase' around finding the FVP-4000T network address every time I worked on this project.

I used Wireshark ( installed on my laptop to capture the network traffic sent from my Humax app on my Hudl tablet to determine the protocols, ports and control codes. I used a network splitter cable so I could monitor the traffic from my tablet to the FVP-4000T via my home router.

When the Android Humax app starts it sends out an SSDP (Simple Service Discover Protocol) message.[] discovery 

The Wireshark capture:

In response, the Humax sends:

Here the Humax IP address is identified and also the MAC address. This was to prove useful during the development of my app as I wanted to be able to discover the Humax IP address automatically and confirm that the IP address is assigned to a Humax unit.

Humax Control Codes

Running the Android app I experimented using the 'Mute' control - mainly because when using the app control I could hear when the Humax audio was present or not and didn't need to monitor the TV screen. Also, just using one function should help to identify the code(s) in the network data.
The information I confirmed was that the Android app uses UDP (User Datagram Protocol) [] to send the control message and the Humax destination port is 22558.

The Wireshark capture:

The next information comprises:

In remote control mode, this data comprises the control data which is always:

Note that the byte codes 72, 63, 75 equate to 'rcu' - a 'pointer' to Remote Control Unit

The code for 'Mute' in this example above is ascii 72,  byte codes 37, 32.
The complete control message becomes:

I checked some more of the codes from ( to confirm that the control and data format was consistent.

Further investigation revealed a different control data format when performing searches on the Humax.

When using the search function, the control data becomes:

Note that the control data used in 'remote control mode' to select the search mode on the Humax  replaces the 3030 with 332c and adds 302c. Also, the byte codes 6b, 65, 79 equate to 'key' -  a pointer to 'Key text search'.

Actual search text appears after this control data. For example, the text letter 'a' appears as:
686d7872610000006b65790000000000332c302c61 (61 byte code = 'a')

All the information to control the Humax FVP-4000T was now known. I had to investigate how I could use Python3 to develop a set of control functions within a windows interface.

Python script
The key elements needed:
1. Send an SSDP message to find the Humax box details (IP & MAC addresses)
2. Confirm a valid Humax MAC address
3. Set up the host PC to send UDP data
4. Construct remote control and search control messages
5. Create a Graphical User Interface (windows) with selectable functions
6. Define functions - when user selects, the script sends the command
7. Enable user to enter search text and send to the Humax

SSDP Message
I found a Python script which I modified that enabled me to send SSDP messages. When experimenting with my Humax unit, the message returned included :


After some investigation I determined that the elements '2c088c' is an identifier for the Humax MAC vendor ID.  On line I found a range of vendor ID Humax MAC addresses that I included in my application code as part of confirming the IP address associated with its MAC address. It is intended this app 'should' work with different Humax boxes if they have one of the vendor ID MAC addresses I've included in the Python script. See 'Using the application' at the end of this blog if this application doesn't work with your Humax box.

The script extract below creates the SSDP message, sets the SSDP IP, configures the IP socket, sends the message and captures the response(s). It checks for a valid MAC address, extracts the IP address and sets the variable UDP_IP as the 'target' IP address and the port number to 22558 for future messages to be sent to the Humax box.
import socket
msg = \
    'M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n' \
    'HOST:\r\n' \
    'ST:upnp:rootdevice\r\n' \
    'MX:2\r\n' \
    'MAN:"ssdp:discover"\r\n' \

msg1 = msg.encode()

ssdp_udp = ''

# Set up UDP socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
s.sendto(msg1,(ssdp_udp, 1900))

#humax mac ids (valid mac addresses as of May 2018)
macs = (
    'e820e2', 'dcd321', 'cc4eec', 'a0722c', '942cb3', '940937', '90f305',
    '6cb56b', '4cd08a', '403dec', '3438b7', '2c088c', '2832c5', '08eb74',
    '044f17', '000378'

# receive ssdp responses
    while True:
        data, addr = s.recvfrom(65507) #addr format ('', 1900)
        inputtext = str(data)
        for var in range(len(macs)): # check for valid humax mac address
            query = (inputtext.find(macs[var]))
            if (query != -1):
                ipads = str(addr)
                comma = (ipads.find(","))
                extract = (ipads[2:comma-1]) # get the IP address
except socket.timeout:

#IP is 'extracted' from the ssdp search response
UDP_IP = extract
UDP_PORT = 22558

Remote Control & Search Control Messages
Previously I stated that the Remote Control Message format had a static element. This is used here below, one called 'Control' for the Remote Control,  the other 'Controlkey' for accessing the Search function on the Humax box.

#Static HUMAX message element
Control = bytes.fromhex('686d78726100000072637500000000003030')

Controlkey = bytes.fromhex('686d7872610000006b65790000000000332c302c')

To construct a complete Remote Control Message, the function code is added to the Control Message element. For example the Mute function code is '3732'. The defined Python function looks like:

def Mute():

When the Mute function is selected, it then calls the SendCmd function and passes the hex code to be added to the Control message element. The complete message is then sent to the Humax box.

def SendCmd(code): # Construct full HUMAX control message & send
    Message = Control + code
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    sock.sendto(Message, (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

I created a series of functions to cover the range of remote control functions available on the Humax. These functions, together with the remote control codes are viewable in the Python script.

Programme Search
To construct a Remote Control Message to do a programme search on the Humax unit, first a Control Message is constructed and sent to the Humax box.  The function to do this is below which opens up the search box on the Humax.  (I include the Windows GUI code, which creates a search text entry box for the user to enter text, a graphical button to submit the entered search text to a Python function to extract the entered text, construct the text string and send to the Humax unit).

# search function creates text entry box & submit button
def Search():
    global textstr #global to be available to Dialog function
    textentry=Entry(myGUI, width=12, textvariable=textstr).grid(row=1,column=6)
    button1=Button(myGUI, text='Submit', width=6, command=Dialog).grid(row=2,column=6)

# get entered text & format to send to Humax box
def Dialog(): # send ascii letters to Humax search box
    text = str(textstr.get()) # get text search entry box
    c = len(text) # variable for string length
    pointer = 0 # starting point in string
    cs = "" # hex string construction variable
    while  pointer < c:
        # construct hex characters string without leading 0x, from decimal values of text
        pointer = pointer+1 # move along the string
        SendKey(bytes.fromhex(cs)) # use constructed string as the 'code' to add to the 'control' msg
def SendKey(code): # Construct full HUMAX search control + text & send
    Message = Controlkey + code
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

    sock.sendto(Message, (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI)
The interface I created is fairly simple and clean, and laid out to suit how I use the controls. The Python code can be modified to create a different layout.

When the Search 'button' is selected, the text entry box and submit button appears.

To create the windows interface:

from tkinter import *
# create Window GUI
myGUI = Tk()
myGUI.title('HUMAX FVP-4000T Remote Control IP: ' + extract) # include IP address in header
myGUI.resizable(False, False)

All the main Python code follows this code including all the functions and GUI graphical elements.
The final line should be:


Within the Python script I include all the codes and functions that worked and those which didn't.

Using the application
If you have Python3 with the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) installed on your machine you can download my script, open it in the IDE and run from there (use F5).

Alternatively download the GUI.exe application below with all the associated files in the 'GUI' folder. When run, a command window will open as well as the GUI window. Research indicates it's possible to run the GUI while suppressing the command window, but I haven't got this to function correctly.

This executable and associated files was made using the application called PyInstaller. PyInstaller converts a .py script to a Windows executable, standalone .exe file.

This can be found at:

If my PyInstaller files do not work on your machine I suggest downloading PyInstaller on your own machine, and use it to convert my script on your own machine.

When running the application (ensure your Humax box is powered up) there will be a short delay of about 3 to 5 seconds as your Humax unit is identified, then the GUI appears. The GUI will not appear if your Humax unit is not identified if your Humax unit MAC address is not listed in my Python script.

One work around to overcome this:
Modify my Python script to remove all the code associated with the SSDP function. In the code element (UDP_IP=extract), replace 'extract' with the IP address of your Humax unit. It's recommended that the Humax unit is assigned a fixed IP address.

Alternatively, modify the Python script to include the MAC address element of your Humax unit. This address should be on the unit.

The GUI controls should be straightforward to use.

When using the Search function, the Humax search screen appears. After entering the text in the text entry box on the application and selecting Submit, the text should appear in the Humax search box. Selecting Search again on the application then 'applies' this as the search text on the Humax box and the search results should appear.

The Power button only works to turn the Humax unit power off.

Navigation around the Humax functions is by the Left, Right, Up and Down buttons. CH- and CH+ work to change programmes, but also scrolls screens when viewing the TV guide or Recordings listings.

I hope you find this application helpful. If you don't like any elements of the programme you are free to modify it to your own taste.

If you find it useful please leave some comments on my blog.

Downloads: (Python3 script) (12KB)

Windows Executable (.exe) and related files in folder 'GUI' (20MB)